Some of the recurring challenges for organisations are customer (consumer) attraction and retention. For many years this issue was solved through promotional dynamics with high costs, complexity and efficiency, i.e. shotgun blasts. Technology now makes it possible to accurately target those consumers who are truly relevant and eligible to be rewarded.
Social Labs has developed a platform called Social Market Shoppers, which is precisely designed for customer loyalty and rewards. The loyalty and loyalty programme is just the beginning and the excuse for a much more ambitious purpose: to create a highway between organisations and their customers (consumers) that allows, in addition to rewarding behaviours, to enable communication, execution and data& insights.
Therefore, the Social Market Shoppers platform allows companies to create a community of customers (consumers) and send them missions, so that, if they fulfil them, they are rewarded for it.
- Action mission: one of the main action missions is shopper/consumer loyalty. The mission consists of asking the enrolled consumer to register their purchases of one or more specific products. If they register, they are rewarded. This, in addition to incentivising purchase/consumption, tracks behaviour and profiles the different members of the community. There can be many other action missions such as evidence of consumption, evidence of purchase of competing products, evidence of activities of any nature, evidence of storage in cupboard or fridge, etc.
- Mission Insights: we are not satisfied with just recording their purchases, we are looking for the community to share their opinions, behaviours and ways of thinking with the organisations. To this end, the platform allows surveys to be sent, virtual group sessions to be held, etc.
- Communication: digital vehicle for the community member to receive any kind of notification about new products, offers, etc. and also to receive feedback of any kind.
The SocialMarket Shoppers platform was created by Social Labs for a first client. CocaCola Asia and is expanding to other geographies and organisations.
The main objective of the application is for consumers to scan the QR code on the bottles to obtain points and subsequently get various products and merchandising of the brand.
The validation of purchases is totally secure due to the technology incorporated bySocial Labs. The purchase is first geolocated to be validated with the longitude and latitude of the grocery shop's QR code, then the image is processed into structured information using OCR technology.
The brand's consumers download and register the app to find three main sections: the purchase register, the wallet and the rewards.
When they go to buy a participating product (e.g. Coca Cola) in a supermarket, they scan the QR code on the bottle and the QR code of the supermarket, and in the case of small neighbourhood shops, an image of the purchase receipt. In the wallet you can see the current points and their movements. The points can be exchanged for a variety of products and merchandising.
In addition, there is a chat section and notifications to communicate with the brand. The application will also function as Social Advisors.
In this way, Coca-Cola receives online tracking of its consumers, where they buy(retailers, areas, etc.), how much and when (time of day).

All this information is very useful for a company like Coca-Cola to be able to make strategic decisions with real data focused on consumers.
Watch the full video of the Platform: